Certain h5p content types are able to be translated into questions
using standard Moodle question types. Not all h5p content types will
be supported since they do not all have analogous Moodle question types
with similar functionality. There will be some unavoidable differences
in behaviour.
Currently supports import of following H5P content types
Single Choice Set - extracts into individual multichoice questions
Dialog/Flash Cards - creates a short answer question from each card
Guess The Answer- creates a short answer question from the card
Multichoice Question - creates a multichoice question
True/False Question - creates a true false question
Drag and Drop Question - creates a Drag and drop onto image question
Essay - creates an essay question
Fill in the Blank Question - creates a embedded answer (cloze) question with embedded short answer
Drag the Text Question - creates a Drag and drop into text question
Mark The Words - Creates Word select if that question type is installed
Exporting as H5P
A few plugins for exporting questions from the question bank are under development. They are available for testing on this server. Please use the teacher account or create an account and a private area will be created for you with access to your own question bank, content bank, and sample activities.
Current question bank export functionality:
The multichoice questions in a category can be exported to a Single Choice Set content type
The shortanswer questions in a category can be exported to a Dialog Cards content type
The shortanswer questions in a category can be exported to a Flash Cards content type
In addition instead of the 'Export as XML' button there is an 'Export as H5P' button that works on many of the question types. They can also be exported from a quiz using 'Deferred feedback with export options' behaviour. Supported question types include conversion include:
shortanswer to Guess the Word
multichoice to Multiple Choice Question
ddimageortext to Drag and Drog
ddwtos to Drag the Words
truefalse to True False Question
Content Bank plugin
From the Content bank you can create H5P Content. There is added functionality to also import questions there from the question bank to create H5P content from existing questions in the bank. On the Content Bank page, click Add button and scroll to the bottom of the list to find options for importing questions. Select the target type and then enter title for the content and the question category etc. to use to create the content.