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Privacy Policy Gunearen politika Erabiltzaile guztiak


The Open Learner site is used for the development and support of educationally related software. Information may be collected on user activity in order to monitor the system performance, to locate problems in software performance, and to improve user experience.

Politika osoa

The Open Learner site is used for the development and support of educationally related software. Information may be collected on user activity in order to monitor the system performance, to locate problems in software performance, and to improve user experience.

Information collected is not normally shared with outside parties. Exceptions to this may occur if links to outside sites are requested or LTI linked resources are utilized by a user. If such cases a separate policy advising user of the information transferred will be provided and information collected by outside sitesĀ  will be covered by the policies of the external sites rather than Open Learner.

The user should only upload resources to Open Learner to which they are entitled utilized. Open Learner will endeavor to protect the privacy of resources that are meant to be confidential, but the users may have opportunities for sharing resources with other users and are responsible for abiding by content licensing and exercising caution by not sharing restricted material.

The site allows users to authenticate using Google Oauth2 and to link Google Drive to their acount. Oauth2 can be used to verify identity and email information through Google. Google Drive is linked to allow users to load files from their Google Drives to the system and to store files created with Open Learner to Google Drive. Access to Google Drive is only allowed to users authenticated through Google Oauth2 service with same account.

A report of user data stored may be requested from the user profile page, and user account and related data will be deleted after users request. Open Learner reserves the right to modify policies from time to time, to limit resources, and to terminate services and accounts.